Thursday, January 16, 2014

Weather It Is (Good Meteorologists...)

Good Afternoon:

Who takes notice of a weather blog when there is no weather?

Sometimes I feel like Douglas MacArthur: "Old Soldiers never day; they just fade away."  Whether he said this exactly or some reasonable facsimile, this is how I feel now.

It is the middle of winter but one would never know it.  True, there is a morning nip in the air, but even that will fade away as temperatures start to warm on Shabbat and don't stop until at least mid-next week.  Typical of this winter a weak storm will pass by tomorrow  to our north, and we'll probably not even notice it!

This is suppose to be prime time in Israel for weather blogging, but there is nothing to blog about except for noting that its easier to shoot missiles (from Gaza) when the weather cooperates.  True, we responded with our own tit-for-tat, but our own response is not really meant to do any harm, while their missiles are meant to kill as many of us as possible.

So, what should we expect in the next week or so: more blue skies, more pleasant breezes, and more missiles.

Looking about as far ahead as we can see, we notice the potential for rain towards the end of the month.  Will this too fade away?  We will see.

Barry Lynn

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