Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weather It Is (The Weather Knows)

Good Evening:

It is said (or at least thought) that the weather knows the calendar date -- as the sky takes on a more winter appearance.  In fact, my youngest daughter even concurs.

As I write, relatively cool fall air is streaming southward and will overspread our area tonight and tomorrow (Monday), reaching its peak (cool level) Tuesday morning.  Moisture amounts will also be on the increase as the night progresses, and light rain will break out over coastal areas, possibly spreading into the centre as well.

On the other hand, we've heard this story before -- a possibility of rain.  But that was summer, and now we're heading into fall, and "like" I wrote: "The Shadow Knows."

Speaking of what we should know, you might have heard that we won the war.  In fact, we're being told this so strongly we might even come to believe it (unless you hold by the maxim: ""The lady doth protest too much, methinks"). Yet, if we go by my definition: we didn't win because there was still someone (actually a lot of someones) on the the other side who stood up and said they won.  This bothers me, and apparently I am not alone in being bothered.

Despite the supposed ending of the war, we are still selling our special umbrellas: they can be used to fend off the rain or (God forbid) something worse.

Barry Lynn

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