Good Morning:
"I organize things and you mess them up," says the Wife (to me). I am not really sure what I can do about this -- since someone has to make the Shabbat Chalah, the desert, and the blintzes, let alone Sunday's Lasagna, and Thursday evening's Pizza.
What men don't realize is that when push comes to shove -- with the exception of a few -- they don't contribute very much to home life. True, there are people like my father whose talents for finance spilled over it other facets of our family life. For instance, he would fix a pipe, string electrical wire. He even made chicken in a bag (the paper kind) --- and hence, he didn't make a mess. He didn't leave his skills at the front door.
You see men go off to work thinking they're quite important, and they never stop to realize that for many women the work place is both the office and the home. Just imagine if men messed up their work place the same way they mess up their homes? Can you understand why it might irk some member(s) of the household?
I'm sitting here on a beautiful Friday morning and there is not a cloud in the sky. However, this will likely change as high pressure ridges into central Europe and low pressure digs down from eastern Europe. Yet, there isn't much "umph" with this spring storm. It will get cooler and there is a chance of a light shower as the trough establishes itself from Shabbat into late next week. Nothing more and probably not any measurable rain to speak of.
It's springtime and it hardly ever rains here. In future blogs, I hope to discuss a bit more about the hows and whys of our weather patterns.
No hot weather is in sight for at least the next two weeks.
Barry Lynn
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