Monday, July 6, 2015

Weather It Is (Stones in the Atmosphere)

Good Evening:

The weather was nicely warm today.  Some might call it hot, but it really wasn't too hot.  

As I mentioned, the reason for the persistent ridge (mid)/trough (east) over Europe is in part because of an unusually strong El-Nino in the Pacific ocean.  

(See here for a link:

El-Nino is the interaction between unusually warm sea surface temperatures in the eastern Pacific ocean and the atmospheric circulation.  As noted in my previous blog, there is an unusually strong El-Nino this year and it is bringing exceptional changes to our weather.  For us, it's pretty nice: not to hot (during last June and now July).  However, other areas (like central and western Europe) have well above normal temperatures, while other locations have had intense rains.  There was even a double tropical cyclone system that by itself was leading to perturbations in the atmosphere.

El-Nino is sort of like throwing a stone into the atmosphere and then watching the ripples move outward from the impact.

On Friday there was a report that a car carrying the commander of a battalion was stoned.

The person exited his vehicle, but was forced to kill the stone-thrower (a relatively young Palestinian).  There were cries of injustice and murder.  After all, it's just a stone.  Perhaps these folks never heard the childhood rhyme (Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me).  

Let's be serious: stone do kill and they can kill .  On the same day, The New York Times reported on the death of a man in Seattle.  He was threatening a group of policemen with a stone, after having thrown stones at passing cars.

When asked why the stone thrower was killed even though he was surrounded by three policeman.

“Well, one rock can kill you,” Officer Flanagan responded.

The man killed was high on drugs.  The Palestinians are "high" on hate, courteous of their government sponsored radio/TV and internet, as well as mosques.  Hate kills.  Change the hate (change the government?) and perhaps there will be a peace agreement.

Barry Lynn

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