Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Weather It Is (Independence Day Weather)

Good Afternoon:

Sometimes a husband and wife will exchange very few words. This morning was no exception.

"Decide," she said -- in the imperative command form.

As she shivered in her winter clothes, I knew exactly what she was talking about.

The good news is that there comes a time (sometimes) when a husband can actually do what is requested of him.  Whether he gets the credit... we'll see.

Over the next five days, the weather will be warming up by about 15 C at 850 mb, which means that surface temperatures will most likely be in the 30s by the time the heat breaks Monday night.

The heat will be in response to high pressure nosing its way north and east from Africa.  As we progress through the week and into next, the winds will switch to the southeasterly direction.  On Sunday and Monday, the winds could be quite gusty, raising the spectre of wildfire spread, if such should occur.

The weather mid next week will be much cooler, but not too chilly.

Tzorot Tovot and Hag Yom Ha"Tmahut Samaech,

Barry Lynn

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