Good Evening:
"Did you know that I asked my husband if he'd cleaned out the grill from our Succoth barbecue. He said 'yes.' Well, he didn't quite. I've asked him three times if the bag of charcoal next to the front gate is garbage. 'No, it isn't,' he assures me."
"I am trying to figure out when he'll understand that if it isn't garbage it shouldn't be there..."
"Wait a moment!" "This is my blog!" "If you want to write a blog, please go ahead and feel free to call it 'Wives It Is."
Now that I have wrested my blog back from the clutches of the Wife, I can tell you that Weather It Is has made (actually, possibly made) a major scientific breakthrough. We've determined that there is an inverse correlation between our months of nice weather and the lack of missile fire from Gaza. For instance, since June there have been very, very few missiles and no extreme temperature days. There have been no dust storms. Moreover, we are about to complete our first Succoth in many years without any wind damage to its structure, nor was the weather particularly humid or hot.
Weather It Is scientists are and will be hard at work developing the physical basis for this startling and perhaps earth-shaking discovery.
Getting back to the basics, were looking at a continued likelihood of no change in the weather during next two weeks. However, there is a 25% chance of rain at the end of the week, but there is also a 25% chance that it will warm up a bit.
Given a choice before up and down (or possibly more missiles), we'll go with more of the same -- nothing to write about.
Hag Samaech,
Barry Lynn
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