Sunday, August 6, 2017

Weather It Is (Oh The Heat)

Good Afternoon:

It seems like the heat doesn't stop, and it is going to get worse.

Low pressure over the eastern Mediterranean will weaken while low pressure over the Arabian desert will strengthen.  The result will be a shift in the winds from "somewhat" cooler westerly winds to more easterly winds,  This means the air will become less humid, but it will also be hotter.

This is really bad for us for two reasons:  i) it's dangerously hot, and ii) because of a relatively dry winter, the heat is creating a severe wildfire risk as we move into the fall (moreover, the government dropped their wildfire forecast system due to a lack of funds to upgrade it).

They say: if that if you can't stand the heat you should get out of the kitchen.  My guess is that they were not speaking to men, who are never in the kitchen, and if they are, their stay would not be long.  True, I do sneak in from time to time, but I am always careful to vacate (the kitchen) before the heat rises too much.

So, they must have been speaking to women.  And, if they were, it must have been one woman speaking to another, probably so the men wouldn't hear.

Fortunately, these words were not said in vain. For instance, while our neck of the woods has been unusually hot, the eastern US temperatures are really on the cool side.  So, women might want to find some relief in the kitchens of NY, for example. Of course, if you go to kitchens on the far west coast (especially Washington state), the kitchens are notoriously hot.  So, you probably won't see too many women going there.

When I was a kid, we used to sleep with a house fan that would draw cool air in from the outdoors.  Now, my parents house is air-conditioned, and only rarely are the windows open.  The same can be said for those who live in the cooler climes of Israel, like Gush Etzion.  It sounds and feels like global warming to me.

In fact, the naysayers admit that temperatures have warmed since the 1970s, but they point out that it is harder to show warming during about the past 10 years (on average -- world wide).

Perhaps, we will return to this subject later.

Have a good week,

Barry Lynn

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