Good Evening:
In the next 36 hours it is going to get a lot warmer, perhaps 10 C warmer. However, changes are afoot, and they are coming here.
After the passage of a cool front Wednesday night, surface temperatures will start heading downwards. At the mid and upper layers of the atmosphere, temperatures will fall off even more rapidly, creating the potential for unstable and rainy conditions.
However. the future is cloudy, and we really can't definite any particular rain event during the next week or so, other than to say that we should be rain free until the end of the week. Rain amounts will depend on just where a trough of low pressure forms in the eastern Mediterranean. Too far to the west, and we'll probably end up more dry than wet.
Late night (about 4 A.M) is sometimes a time of unexpected intimacy, especially if the dog happens to wake up both sleeping slumberers. It was at that time that I remarked to my wife that tomorrow (the 19th -- past) would bring our first rain (and it did rain -- about 5 mm). To which she replied: "we already had the first rain." I mentioned that I knew that it rained the night of Sukkot eve, but that it wasn't very hard. She responded that she had read about a heavy, but short rain in Tel-Aviv a few days previous and that this was the first rain. When I protested that it hadn't rained here, she said that this didn't matter -- there was nothing more to discuss and that I should go back go sleep.
The next morning I was left wondering: if a rain shower falls somewhere else, and no meteorologist sees it, did anyone get wet?
Barry Lynn
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