Thursday, October 23, 2014

Weather It Is (Nimble Mosquitos and Mastodons)

Good Morning:

We've got one more nice day on tap today, and then the weather will become -- well less nice.

A trough of low pressure will begin to build over the eastern Mediterranean, and with it more fall like weather will drop temperatures.  The system should also bring more clouds and moisture.  However, we can't say with any certainty whether it will rain.  Our ensemble forecasts show the possibility of rain on just about any day, but the probability is not high.

It is one thing when 10 out of 10 people in a room get up and say tomorrow the sun will rise, but when only one person is willing to be so bold -- one wonders if it will happen.

Fortunately, most of us would agree that as long as the rooster crows, the sun will rise.

As a scientist, I prefer to be scientific, both about the weather and life in general. And so it happens, that I am always ready with an excuse when my wife asks me why I don't feed the kids first.  Or, at least, why I find it so hard to feed them before taking a few bites myself.  The answer: you never know when one might have to get up, grab ones I-Phone, and zap a mastodon for the next meal. I am very sure of my answer. Of course, the same answer is given even when more than few bites are consumed.

The rain bring the blessing of new life, and it also brings mosquitos.  One such mosquito kept me up at night.  I am very sensitive to that annoying buzzing sound, while my wife -- bless her -- can sleep right through the noise.  Several times I leaped out of bed to smack this mosquito, but he was just too nimble.  He always escaped.  Yet it was that he returned to the well once too often.  At 5:01 A.M, I got him, and then a wipe to clean the blood off the ceiling (was it mine?).

And here is the lesson for all those men out there.  This mosquito wasn't so nimble after his large meal, in fact he wasn't very nimble at all, and now he isn't anything at all.

I can only conclude that the Mastodon excuse just doesn't hold water; after all, who can really hunt Mastodon on a full stomach?

Barry Lynn

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