Friday, May 17, 2019

Weather It Is (High Heat)

Good Afternoon:

Cooler, westerly winds are upon us this Shabbat.  They will bring a welcome respite of a few days from the heat.  However, On Monday, high pressure will begin to build eastward off the African continent.  It will intensify during the week, and the heat should peak up on or about Shabbat.

Our local area model in combination with the Global Ensemble Forecast Systems model suggests that there is a 100% chance that temperatures will be between 36 and 40 degrees Celcius in Jerusalem on Friday.  In the coastal plains (just eastward of the sea-breeze), temperatures could exceed 40 C.

A cool front should pass through late Friday or Shabbat, returning temperatures to more comfortable levels.

There could even be a few rain showers.

Recently, there was a lot of hot air blowing from the pages of the MA'AN News Agency (a Palestinian Authority "mouthpiece."  The headline said: "Right-wing Israelis storm Solomon's Pools near Bethlehem."    The article noted that dozens of "settlers" entered and held religious prayers at Solomon's pools (most likely built by King Herod, named after the "Biblical Solomon."). They were protected by "heavily armed Israeli forces."

It all sounds very sinister.

Except that it wasn't.

It turns out that during the Oslo negotiations, those doing the negotiating on the Israel side were not very aware of Jewish history, and placed both the pools and the Rachel's Cave on their (Palestinian) side of the map.  When Chanan Porat (deceased; objected, the line was drawn correctly at Rachel's Cave, but through the name on the map, rather than around the pools themselves.  So, it came to be that our visit to the edge of the pool may have crossed into "Area A."

A large group, of which I was part, was excited to visit the pools on the morning of Israeli Independence Day.  Our homes are located in Gush Etzion, which was populated with Jewish towns until they were destroyed during the Arab Israeli war of 1948.  We actually live in nice homes with gardens, and schools, and there are restaurants and stores.  I usually shave as well, although some people have beards and would fit nicely in The New York Times "Settler" exhibit page.

That morning, we climbed down the mountain from Efrat and made our way to peek in one of the lower pools. It was pretty awesome to see such a large pool, but it would have been nicer if it was full of water and someone was available from whom to rent fishing rods or a paddle boat.

The article mentioned, as noted, that we were accompanied by soldiers.  This was actually so we wouldn't be killed by our neighbors (the Palestinians) -- a technicality, but an important one.

The article also noted that "the internationally recognized Palestinian territories have been occupied by the Israeli military since 1967. "  Actually, two countries recognized Jordan's occupation of the "West Bank" (or Judea and Samaria) prior to 1967 (without any reference to Palestinians). Since, then, the ownership of the  land has been in dispute.  The international community (and even many Israelis) would like to give at least part of the land to the Palestinians, but they won't accept it unless they get all the rest (on both sides of the old Armistice line).

It turns out that immediately after World War II the major powers were hoping to divide the land between Jordan and the Mediterranean among Jews and local Arabs (now, referred to as Palestinians). But, when the latter (and surrounding Arab States) refused to countenance any Jewish independence in what the Romans named "Palestine," the Palestinians lost their chance for an independent state.  Ironically, it wasn't Israel that prevented the Palestinians from having their own state in part of the land upon the signing of the Armistice agreement in 1949, but the Egyptians and Jordanians, who ruled both Gaza and the West Bank (as well as part of Jerusalem), respectively, until 1967.

These governments supported the Palestinian Liberation Organization in their quest to destroy the State of Israel -- even the one that existed prior to the 1967 war.  A quest that hasn't changed until now.

Barry Lynn

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