Thursday, June 5, 2014

Weather It Is (Rain?)

Good Afternoon:

This morning my wife announced that her forecast (for today) was better than mine. Somehow (perhaps woman's intuition) she knew that it would be unseasonably cold and windy today.  I thought about disputing this statement, but didn't want to be "accused" of arguing.

Speaking of arguing or not, the other day I wrote that men have it "easier" than women.  However, if you think about it, this is probably not true.  As my wife said, the women teachers are fond to tell their husband stories, and there are many.  After all, men have trouble understanding why the same behaviour (or mess) on one day is perfectly acceptable but not on the other (and they often keep doing it).  And, it is not just a matter of  mis-understanding, but being in trouble -- big time. So, who really has it hard?

While that is neither here nor there, the weather seems a bit like winter out -- it's quite windy and even light rain is likely from the northwest coast into Jerusalem tonight into tomorrow.  This does seem a bit strange, but then our strange weather is strange.

Fortunately, we'll soon be entering an extended period of "no-weather."'  However, even though there will be no-weather during the next two weeks, the temperatures should be on the cool side.  One might even call the weather to be Beautiful.

Barry Lynn

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