Monday, July 7, 2014

Weather It Is (Wild Swings)

Good Morning:

The weather just can't decide on a proper response to the calendar. Is it summer -- or not?  Watching the weather patterns at the different atmospheric levels shows quite an inconsistency.  Sometimes it warms aloft in response to the Indian Monsoon winds, and sometimes it cools off in response to unusual troughiness in the European weather pattern.  Sometimes it warms below when it cools aloft, and vice versa.  All I know is that the calendar says summer, but the weather pattern refuses to go along (and it won't for the next couple of weeks).

Our government doesn't seem to know how to respond to Hamas missile fire.  Sometimes we bomb empty buildings (hit them where it hurts!) or sometimes we make a "mistake" and this happens: Hamas accuses us of a serious escalation (see  Apparently, a number of Hamas members were killed overnight in response to airstrikes, whose purpose is to stop the rocket fire.  What rubbish!  Hamas (and friends) fire missiles that could at any time (but for Mazol) kill many people, and they accuse us of escalation! Where do they think these missiles go?  Are they like a cloud or storm that passes overhead, where one thinks: "out of site out of mind?"

Sometimes I think that we are out of our mind.  The other day I followed the wisdom of the Waze and took a right hand turn off route 90 and headed into Samaria. My Waze did not inform me that we would be passing through "no-mans" land, without a car to see for at least an hour. It didn't tell me that I'd end up at the entrance of Nablus!  But, come to think of it: who would think (let alone Waze) that simply driving through a pristine and beautiful area could potentially be so dangerous -- yet it is and we tolerate it.  (By the way, this is the most beautiful area, full of mountains, twisting roads, and plunging valleys).

Unfortunately, there are no easy answers (unless we invade, for example, Gaza and this isn't easy; perhaps we could settle this area!).

When the Palestinians kidnap or murder us, they hand out candies.  When we (God forbid) do the same to them, we engage in all sorts of denial -- because we're ashamed that any of us could be like them.

Barry Lynn

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