Monday, February 13, 2012

Weather It Is (A Winter Blast)

We're certainly enjoying some beautiful spring-like weather. However, if the majority of the ensemble forecasts are correct, spring will end by Tuesday evening and then winter will roar back with a vengeance. 

However, if the government doesn't agree to the demands of the Palestinian President (Prime Minister?) Abbas, then he is going to go right away to the world weather organization and request a rerun of this week's early weather.  So, instead of heavy rain turning over to a period of cold, wet snow, it will stay warm and dry, and beautiful, just like today.  Only if the government agrees to withdraw to the old armistice line, agree to evacuate 500,000 plus residents from what might be termed "Green-Line+" will Mr. Abbas agree to drop his petition and allow winter to return as scheduled. As a concession, Mr. Abbas has agreed to leave us the keys for the Old Ford, but he wants us to know that if he ever needs 'em, we'll have to fork over them over as well.

Getting back to the weather, there is a strong indication from the ensemble forecasts that it is going to get very, very (downright!) cold.  The problem for snow-lovers is that we really need to have temperatures from 850 mb to 500 mb below certain threshold levels. On the other hand, it's going to be so cold at 850 mb and 700 mb that we might just squeak out something solid, and something to throw, and maybe even to sled on.  Moreover, some of the ensemble members are indicating temperatures cold enough for a real snow sometime Friday night into Sunday.

In any case, it looks like at least the cold will be the story, which fits in just right with Mr. Abbas turning an official (rather than unofficial, but nevertheless obvious) cold-shoulder to a negotiated peace.

Barry Lynn

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