Friday, February 13, 2015

Weather It Is (Winter Storm Update)

Good Morning:


1) High Wind Warning coastal areas (south to north): Winds 50 to 60 km/h until evening. Central mountains and Galilee, Golan: 40 to 50 km/h. Higher gusts in all locations. 

2) Heavy rain from Netanya to northern Israel, with continued flooding along coastal areas, inland towns, and Jordan Valley.

3) Snow on the highest peaks of the Galill  and Golan. 

Our winter storm will eventually wind down, but not until more rain and some snow falls (at the highest elevations of the Galil) and Golan.

The storm continues to bring very high winds as well and some small amounts of rain to the center mountains later this afternoon/night.

The storm should wind down on Shabbat as it moves away, but it will be replaced by moisture from the Atlantic Ocean, moving across Africa. This will bring rain across the south on Sunday, which will eventually overspread the entire country. Flooding is a possibility in the southern areas on Sunday/Monday.

The trough of low pressure and colder air should redevelop next week.  We know it will be cold, but we don't know just how strong this system will be yet. 

Shabbat Shalom,

Barry Lynn

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